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Hi, I'm Esther Tuliomanu @the.holisticpt I am a Personal Trainer with over 30 years of experience in the fitness industry as a Les Mills instructor and functional fitness coach, and 25 years of competing at an elite level in Waka-ama. My speciality is working with groups and individuals. I have completed counselling, general, social and individual psychology papers to deepen my ability to support clients through my Navigate Services as I continue to study part-time towards Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Psychology.

Certifications - XPT High-Performance Breathwork Coach, Ayurvedic Health Instructor, Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher, Chopra Well-Being Coach, and Level 2 QHHT Practitioner.

My goal is to empower individuals in navigating life’s challenges—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—through holistic support. I offer a range of classes including breathwork (Just Breathe), mindful movement/yoga (Les Mills Bodybalance), and functional fitness (Functional Circuit, Breath, Mobility & Strength) at CoreFitness Tutukaka. I facilitate specialised workshops including - Breath/Fire&Ice sessions (sauna/ice bath), Waka-ama, Ayurvedic health & lifestyle practices, and Fundamentals of breath, including immersive breathwork journeys.I am available for E.A.P services and provide compassionate support for those experiencing grief and other life challenges.

I look forward to working with you!

Esther Tuliomanu
"Beginning Holistic PT Sessions with Esther Tuliomanu has been empowering. The regime Esther designed for me has improved my overall body connection and is very grounding. I know that I will continue to gain strength, flexibility, and overall body consciousness and balance."


Navigate Services

An integration of all the services I provide, including breath work fundamentals, one-on-one strength, flexibility, functional fitness and well-being training based on your individual needs. Each session is approx 60 minutes

One off session  •  $120

6 x navigate sessions catered to the individual  •  $600


Holistic Wellbeing

An integration of my certifications in counselling, llfe coaching, Ayurvedic health & wellbeing, meditation, breath work facilitation, and QHHT. Available for E.A.P. services

One off session  •  $120

6 x navigate sessions catered to the individual  •  $600

Guided Breath, Fire & Ice

Guided Breath work, Sauna and Ice bath session

8-10 people, 1.5-2 hours  •  $50pp

Waka-ama Workshop

Introduction to waka paddling, learn paddle technique and gain insights from expert paddlers, experience the world of Waka-ama on the Tutukaka moana. Price dependant on number of participants  •  P.O.A.

Breath Work Mechanics & Journey

2 hour workshop including breath mechanics and fundamentals - learn how to make positive physical, mental and emotional differences in your life  by changing the way you breathe. Discover techniques and tools to enhance your  life, increase productivity, and reduce stress  •  P.O.A.


Functional Fitness - Functional fitness seeks to build strength, flexibility, and balance for navigating the physical world and the objects in it. We do this by replicating and practicing movements necessary in the real world: squatting, pulling, pushing, bending, climbing, walking, and running. For functional fitness, we prioritise natural movements over exercises that are done on a machine. In your everyday life, you probably won’t find yourself in a situation where you have to push weights along a guided track while seated( like a gym machine), but you’ll probably find yourself in a situation where you have to lift an object from the floor, then raise it above your head, like loading your luggage into the overhead bin on a plane. It’s why we encourage free weights instead of machines, because free weights force you to balance and control objects just like you have to in day-to-day life. We also use compound exercises requiring more than one muscle group working together for the exercise), so they replicate the way your body actually moves. This would be different from isolation exercises like biceps curls, which more or less train JUST your biceps muscles to move one particular way.

Functional fitness

OP701026 : Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) Open Polytechnic New Zealand - 73197 Counselling Theory, 73195 General and Applied Psychology, 73196 Social and Individual Psychology and 73131 The Psychology of Grief

Bachelor of Applied Sciences

XPT High Performance Breathwork Coach - Breathing influences every system and function within the body and if done properly, it will promote oxygen transport to all the vital organs and tissues of the body. Breathing can act as the doorway to a calm, relaxed mental state and can be used to control fear, anxiety, anger and stress while promoting restful sleep. Through correct breathing habits, new levels of health, performance, fitness and wellness can be realized, for any application or activity. XPT's Performance Breathing® program originally started through the exploration of legendary big wave surfer, pioneer, and XPT Founder, Laird Hamilton. In an effort to improve his breath hold capabilities and to stay relaxed and calm when held under giant waves, Laird began the ancient Polynesian practice of carrying heavy stones underwater. This evolved into the exploration of breath holding and breathing practices on dry land with influence from dozens of methods and teachers. Breathing practices have been around for centuries. XPT's Performance Breathing® program combines ancient practices with new age science to create a breathing program that can enhance performance across a wide spectrum of activities. From professional athletes, elite military units and high-powered executives, to young children and elderly alike, XPT Performance Breathing can set the foundation for massive progress in all aspects of one’s life. The research on using breath-work to enhance physical and mental health and performance goes back decades and has been curated by XPT Breathing Advisors and fitness experts to find the most effective methods for every situation. XPT's Performance Breathing® methods are broken into three distinct categories, each to be applied to create a specific result.

XPT High Performance

Chopra certified Ayurvedic Health Instructor - In English, Ayurveda is translated as "the science of life.” Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and effective total health systems—highlighting the symbiotic nature of our physical health and our emotions, stresses, and the state of our relationships. The science of life helps us understand that health is a byproduct of enlightened living. It teaches us how to live in a way that fosters good health. It gently guides us to be part of our own healing process. The most powerful tool we have for healing is our own body, mind, and spirit. Ayurvedic practices empower the inherent healing power within all of us. Ayurveda is personalised lifestyle medicine. It gives you the knowledge and tools to create a healthy, happy life while realizing your full human potential.  In order to be truly healthy, we can't just take care of our physical body—we need to address the health of our mind, body, spirit, and environment so that we can experience a state of wholeness. Ayurveda focuses on the unique qualities of the individual—how we each respond to different foods, exercise programs, and other activities and experiences. Every health-related measure is based on an individual’s unique dosha combination (dosha type)—and the lifestyle choices best suited for it.

Ayurvedic Health Instructor

Chopra certified Ayurvedic Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher

Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher

Chopra certified Well-Being Coach - To become eligible for the Chopra Coaching program, you need to achieve certification in both Chopra Meditation and Chopra Health programs. This gives an overwhelming advantage over many well-being coaches in the industry. Being already knowledgeable about meditation and Ayurveda, facilitates the ability to expand on wellness options for clients, and to tap into their full potential. Chopra coaches provide knowledge and guidance based on their clients’ needs – including needs the client may not have yet identified. Coaching anchors individuals into the present moment and paves the way for future goals and aspirations, guiding clients towards accepting the way things are, and co-creating strategies for moving forward. Focused on listening to the clients’ needs and goals, coaches help to uncover the client's own answers, make their own plans, and take responsibility for their own results. Chopra certified coaches’ role is to guide clients in deepening trust in their own innate wisdom.

Chopra Well-Being Coach

QHHT Practitioner - QHHT® achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Most hypnotists do not work in the Somnambulistic level, either because they don’t have the ability to access this level of trance, or they are wary of working in the most mysterious level of hypnosis, which can produce unexpected results, such as reliving a past life. Dolores Cannon’s curiosity and fearlessness about the unknown and untried has ensured her enduring legacy as a pioneer in past life regression who continues to pave the way for QHHT® Practitioners now and in the future with her QHHT® classes! Dolores Cannon began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation nearly 50 years ago by fine-tuning her QHHT® method of hypnosis. By creating a safe and effective method that bypasses the chatter of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information in the Somnambulistic state, Dolores Cannon discovered time travel is possible at any time or place to relive anyone’s past lives. QHHT® is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. When we incarnate on Earth, we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what she called The Subconscious, since it resides beyond the conscious mind. Dolores’s term The Subconscious, which she later abbreviated to The SC, is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The SC reveals the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.

QHHT Practitioner
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